nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic Οδηγός εκπαιδευτικού in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
Οι ψηφιακές ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες είναι ένα επιστημονικό πεδίο που στη χώρα μας δεν έχει γνωρίσει ακόμα την ανάπτυξη που παρατηρείται σε άλλες δυτικές, κυρίως αγγλόφωνες, χώρες. Αυτό, εν μέρει, οφείλεται στον παραδοσιακό «συντηρητισμό» που ακολουθεί τις ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες και τις διαχωρίζει από τις τεχνολογικές, κλείνοντας έτσι την πόρτ…[Read more]
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic Pin a Tale in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
I would apply Pin-a-Tale project’s methodology in a literature project in my country aiming to trace the important places/landmarks in an author’s life and work. In order to avoid issues of copyright and publishing, I would choose an author whose work is not protected by copyright laws in Greece (for example Andreas Kalvos), I would give imp…[Read more]
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic Philosophy in a time of crisis in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
Based on the project’s methodology, I would try to combine the parameters of the crisis (causes, excuses, consequences, repercussions, etc) with ancient greek philosophy. More specifically, I would try to bring together specialists (philosophers, teachers, archeologues, etc) and I would ask them to approach the crisis through the prism of a s…[Read more]
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic SciStarter in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
I would focus on the libraries’ engagement ideas offered by SciStarter as a way to start a crowdsourcing project. More specifically, I would try to introduce local libraries to citizen science by creating community hubs for citizen science. Participants could address their local library in order to list science activities and the library staff, a…[Read more]
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic Map the Museum in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
We could apply the project’s approach in a local history project. For example, we could ask participants to trace and pin to a digital map of the city of Kalamata historical sites, roads, objects, maps, etc., that can help the digital reader follow the liberation of the city that took place in 23rd of March 1821. The project can be expanded with a…[Read more]
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic Maturity of baby sounds in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
We could apply the same methodology (recording, extracting clips with algorithms, available to the public for labeling) in order to better comprehend and classify domestic animals’ behavior and noises.
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic Digitalkoot in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
In Greece, EKEBI (National Center for Books), a former private non-profit legal entity responsible for implementing national policy to promote books had undertaken a similar project with digitizing a large amount of literature magazines of the 20th century. Original issues date back to the early 1920’s and the scanning and OCR quality is s…[Read more]
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic Using the Enticing Repository in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
I would choose Observatory 1821 because I have collaborated in spreading the program in the public schools of Kalamata and I have seen the results from the schools’ participation. I also use the Photodentro digital repository of educational material in my everyday practice as a teacher.
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic DIY History in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
We could integrate DIY cases in a teaching context of local history. For ex ample, we could ask students to go through their family records in order to find data that concern a particular historical event that concerns their city (f.e. refugees finding shelter in Kalamata, Greece, after the Asia Minor disaster). They could enrich the content with…[Read more]
nineta.sotiraki@gmail.com replied to the topic Pros and Cons of DH in Literature projects in the forum General Discussion 1 year, 7 months ago
I find rather challenging the idea of implementing a digital humanities literature project in my school. The advantages are numerous: very appealing to students due to their familiarization with the digital world, easier to find data, ideal for combining different data sources and unlimited opportunities for creating a digital open source of…[Read more]