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Photodentro digital repository of educational material

Greece’s Docs Photodentro digital repository of educational material

“Photodentro/users’ e-material” is the “Repository of Educational Material for Primary and Secondary Education by its Users”. It is one of the repositories of the Photodentro “family” of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. In this digital platform, teachers and members of the wider educational community can post their own learning objects or search for other users’ learning objects.

This repository aims to accumulate learning objects (i.e. autonomous and reusable units of digital material that can be used for teaching and learning), such as experiments, interactive simulations, web quests, images, educational games, 3D maps, exercises, educational scenarios/lesson plans, etc., which have been developed by members of the educational community who wish to make them available to other members.

The aim is to create an active community for the development of digital educational content, where teachers (by name and through a public profile) will post and share their own digital educational content, evaluate others’ and exchange views. The project represents crowdsourcing in education, which directly relates to ENTICING crowdsourcing, by focusing on digital educational material and activities and applying digital tools.

The digital platform of the project is a typical example of a tool used in crowdsourcing to attract and divide work between participants to achieve a cumulative result. The fact that the platform acts as a repository of digital educational resources for classroom use bears direct relevance to the ENTICING online repository which will complement the ENTICING course and will serve as a one-stop-shop providing instant access to a wide variety of relevant and pertinent information about available best practices and initiatives in Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing projects.

Type of practice/case National initiative, Platform, Website, Repository
Year of implementation Ongoing
Language English, Greek
Target Teachers, students, researchers, educators
Notes “Photodentro” is the Greek National Aggregator of Educational Content for Primary and Secondary Education. It is the central e-service of the Greek Ministry of Education for the unified search and distribution of digital educational content in schools. It is open to all: students, teachers, parents and anyone interested. Photodentro promotes the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) for schools, implementing the national strategy for digital educational content. All material available through Photodentro is freely available, under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA license or with another similar, more open license.

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